Xian Map   /  Tourist Maps of Xian

The following Xian maps are included on this map:
Xian layover tour map
Xian half day tour map
Xian evening tour map

Xian Layover Tour Map

Xian layover tour refers to short travel service in Xian when you wait for flight or change another flight.  Most Xian layover trip start from Xian Xianyang Airport or train station.

Xian Layover Tour Map

Xian Half Day Tour Map

Xian half day tour offers you a trip within 4 hours to discover Xian.
Click the map as below to see details of Xian half tour map.
Xian half day tour map

Xian Evening Tour Map

Xian evening tour lead travelers to discover Xian at night. 
Xian half day tour map